Sunday, December 11, 2011

Making new friends in Windhelm

I've established another foothold for my Thieves Guild in Windhelm. Her name is Niranye, and it echoes off my tongue with affection at her desire for profit and fun.  In Morrowind another female Dunmer would be a hard friendship to make apart from business.  Maybe these cold winds have chilled my initial distrust because she has invited me to her home, and I have accepted.  I plan to bring some of Maven's mead for our, soon to be close relationship.

I merely had to help with a young group of thieves who thought they could work outside the guild.  Each of the recruits was sent to oblivion in haste but the leader was mortally wounded as I dipped my poisoned blade into his kidney and made him watch his pathetic banner burn into the air.
She has now agreed to fence for us and keep me informed of Ulfric's movements from within the city.  I have instructed the guild to diverge a larger portion of items from Riften to her for her services.  Speaking of Ulfric, that fool lets anyone walk into his stronghold.  I could have bleed him in the light of the moon if I took work for the Brotherhood.

I've asked her about the Barenziah stones, but in this matter, there was not much help. She heard a rumor that the Clan Cruel-Sea may have stumbled upon one but it was somehow misplaced in the Shatter-Shield estate. Misplaced as in someone, maybe from my new recruits working for Vex, decided to locate it and sell it back.  Whatever the means, security was pathetic and I'm surprised someone hasn't totally cleaned out both clans as of late.

Regardless, my care for the beggars is paying off quite nicely. Another Dunmer overheard a conversation when sickly Nurelion from the White Phial nearly coughed up his heart onto a customer talking about fire mages West of Whiterun collecting precious stones. One of these sounds just like what I am looking for. Time to sharpen my dagger and brew some magic resistance potions.

I have returned to Whitrun, and I have it!  The 20th Stone of Barenziah.  I have divide the spoils and instructed Lydia to head over to Warmaiden's in the morning.  For now, we drink to a night of prosperity!

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